Medical malpractice insurance for a medical facility provides protection against legal claims of negligence or harm resulting from the care provided by the facility’s staff. This type of insurance is essential for safeguarding the financial health and reputation of the facility, whether it’s a hospital, clinic, or other healthcare provider organization.
Facility Size and Scope: Consider the size of the facility, the range of services provided, and the number of healthcare providers employed.
Specialty Areas: Specific specialties may carry higher risks and require additional coverage.
Per Incident and Aggregate Limits: Ensure the policy provides sufficient coverage limits to protect against potential high-cost claims.
Defense Costs: Understand whether defense costs are included within the coverage limits or in addition to them.
Financial Stability: Choose an insurer with strong financial stability and a good reputation in the industry.
Claims Handling: Evaluate the insurer’s claims handling process and support services.
Factors Influencing Premiums: Specialty, location, claims history, and facility size all impact premium costs.
Budgeting: Facilities need to budget for malpractice insurance premiums and potentially set aside reserves for deductibles or self-insured retentions.
Out-of-Pocket Costs: Determine the facility’s financial responsibility for deductibles or self-insured retentions in the event of a claim.
Specializing in malpractice insurance, tail coverage, and long term care insurance for physicians.